Friday, January 31, 2020

Lady Macbeths Diary Essay Example for Free

Lady Macbeths Diary Essay What an utter disaster. What should have been a dignified occaion to mark my husbands crowing, has ended up with confusion. His first great ceremonial state banquet has been ruined. The guests arrived and were asked to take their places. To begin with things seemed very organised. then all of a sudden he began talking to thin air. People will think hes insane. My part in persuading him to kill the king had been crucial that is why I cant understand why he didnt tell of his plans to kill Fleance and Banquo. Afterall, if it wasnt for me the murder of Duncan would have been an absolute disaster . I practically murdered him myself. I drugged the possets of the grooms sleeping in the outer chamber; I laid the daggers ready; all he had to do was the deed itself. Then I found him with two blood-stained daggers which should have been left with the grooms, the supposed murderers. He was terrifed and incapable of returning to the murder scene so I had to do so, smearing the grooms with blood. When I returned I found him transfixed with thoughts of blood and guilt and once again I took charge of the situation. I told him to go and wash the blood from his hands. Perhaps he genuinely wants me to be innocent of Banquos murder. Maybe it is his way of protecting me. It could be that he couldnt handle me being in charge of Duncans murder. He might want to prove that he can still do things for himself. My ruthless determination to make him king has overcome all his doubts. What has happened to the man I married, who was a noble, brave and loyal subject of the rigtful king? I know he is a man of great bravery, even of savagery on the battlefield, however, he seems a different man. Hes a great warrior whos used to making life-and-death decisions. He is a man of action but gets confused when he loses his sense of right and wrong. Yet his murders are unmannly. Maybe he is just a really evil man. Maybe he is so mixed up that he cannot sort out the difference between right and wrong. Perhaps he is under the power of the witches. Maybe he does not know what to do and is acting on the spurof the moment, without really thinking too much. Until now I was much more determined and strong. I now find myself on the edge. Unlike earlier I would have been able todo the most terrible deeds, I feel that now that I could not have even carried out the murder of Duncan myself because the sleeping Duncan reminds me of my father. I am not a monster, im simply a wife trying to protect encourage and support my husband. He says he is afflicted by terrible dreams. He seems almost to envy the dead King Duncan, who he says, sleeps well. Although Duncan is dead, Macbeth says that at least nothing can hurt him any more. His sleep is becoming tormented: O full of scorpions is my mind, Banquo seems to him like a poisonous snake and his life is diseased, a fitful fever. Macbeth is king and I am his Queen we have achieved everything weve ever wanted. We are supposed to feel happy, excited and at the peak of our lives. Instead we feel threatened and unsafe. Our happiness is doubtful. He no longer tells me anything and trusts no one. He feels so advanced on this murderous course of action that ( like wading across a river of blood ) it is as easy to go on as it is to go back.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Orbits with Gravity Lab Software :: physics science space

For centuries, humankind has sought to find order in the universe. In the context of Western thought, in any case, beginning with the Egyptians, Persians, ancient Greeks; in the Americas the Mayans and Azteks, Astronomy evolved out of the necessity to discover a reliable predictor of the seasons for the purposes of agriculture. In most cases, Astronomy takes on a spiritual role in culture as well. The system of accounting that ancient peoples used to measure the seasons evolved, after a great amount of suffering and turmoil, into the physics of Gallileo and the mechanics of Newton. And Newton's remarkable system is still used today, so long as the velocities are not close to the speed of light and the mass vs. density ratio of massive objects is not too great. Linked above is a gravitational simulator upon which several models of celestial motion are explored. Written in the simple computer language of Q-Basic 4.5, the software is compilable on native systems. At the core is code that generates six n-dimensional arrays. The six arrays correspond to variable requirements in 2-d space, they are velocity vector (in polar coordinates), velocity magnitude, mass, radius, x-position, y-position. "n" corresponds to the number of total objects in the system. Once data is gathered, either entered by hand, loaded from a file, or generated randomly, the simulation can begin. There are three major divisions of the simulation, corresponding to object selection, object position change, and object velocity change, where the actual physics takes place. The simulation begins with object 1, with initial velocity vo, and calculates the next change in velocity of object 1 from the acceleration generated by all other objects. From the gravitational acceleration of object 2, for example, a new velocity vector for object 1 can be determined, and refined un til object n's effect on object 1 is considered. The sim goes down the line to object n, correcting the current velocity magnitude and vector until all acceleration effects are accounted for for all objects, then the sim erases the current position of all objects, displaces the objects dependant on their current (freshly calculated) velocities, redraws them, and returns to calculating new accelerations. The result is a fairly accurate model of gravitational motion, in which the orbital properties discussed in mechanics can be seen. Inaccuracies result with high velocities or close interactions (no collision detection is made).

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

An Analysis of the Geography of Witchcraft

Benjamin C. Ray wrote â€Å"The Geography of Witchcraft Accusation in 1692 Salam Village† in order to imply that geographic analysis of the witchcraft accusation, economic, religious as well as social status shows there was no significant east-west division within Salam Village. In the article, Ray points out that the map included in Salam Possessed is not only interpretive but also incomplete. He states that there was an inconsistency in giving a numerical count of accusers and accused in the village. Moreover, he questions about the setting of the demarcation line at the center of the map. Ray also offers a revised map of the accusation due to incorrect number of accuser and accused and intended exclusion of eight afflicted girls and the five villagers. From the revised map, Ray reveals that there is no significant division. Conversely, Boyer and Nissenbaum stated that inclusion of the eight afflicted girls would not significantly change the geographic pattern because they were not â€Å"decisive shapers† and also six of eight were not living in the parents’ house during the witchcraft outbreak. Although Boyer and Nissenbaum provided a wide range of information related to the accusation, they failed to present data as given in sources and convincing explanations. Apparently, they intended to show the division in the Village by looking at the map. However, Ray not only indicates errors contained in the map but also reveals the different possible interpretation which can be drawn conclusion from the revised map. I believe the use of the map for illustrating the east-west division of the witchcraft accusation in inappropriate. for omission of accusers and location of the demarcation line, and Boyer and Nissenbaum introduced idea of geographic distribution in the patterns of witchcraft accusation in the first chapter of Salem Possessed.