Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Pernicious Anemia free essay sample

Anemia is a disorder of the blood. It occurs when your body does not produce enough erythrocytes or red blood cells (RBCs). Without the erythrocytes oxygen can not be adequately delivered to the tissues and organs throughout the body. This will cause you to become weak and tired. A person may also experience headaches, skin pallor, and faintness. Your body may attempt to compensate for these symptoms by speeding up the heart rate and respiratory rate. This is the body’s attempt to return oxygen levels to normal(Thibodeau and Patton, 2005). There are several different types of anemia. Some of those are hemorrhagic, iron-deficiency, aplastic, and pernicious. Pernicious anemia is a type of anemia due to a vitamin B-12 deficiency and lack of intrinsic factor. Intrinsic factor is an protein found only in the stomach and is responsible for the absorption of B-12. The stomach may not produce intrinsic factor due to stomach surgery, such as gastric bypass, parasites or an overgrowth of bacteria in the intestines, Crohn’s or Celiac disease. The lack of intrinsic factor is also an autoimmune disease for some people(Pernicious Anemia, n. d. Pernicious anemia is more common among those who are Scandinavian or Celtic, and in the elderly. This type of anemia was referred to as pernicious because of the deadly outcome it had at one time. Doctors knew that patients were anemic but common cures for anemia did not work. This was until the 1920’s when two physicians, George Minot and William Murphy, joined together and realized that certain foods restored patient health and red blood cells drastically. The best type of food for pernicious anemia was liver. The doctors didn’t understand why but seen great improvements in a very short time period (Jacovino, 1998). Another physician, William Castle, also helped to cure the disease. In one experiment he ate liver, made himself vomit, and fed it to his patients. Oddly enough this strange idea worked. His unusual method led to the discovery of intrinsic factor. A protein found only in the stomach. Later on it was revealed that the intrinsic factor allowed absorption of vitamin B-12. B-12 is abundant in liver and is what made the liver therapy a success (Jacovino, 1998). The lack of intrinsic factor in the stomach leads to a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 is necessary for production of normal, healthy red blood cells. Without B-12, red blood cells become to large(macrocytic) and do not carry enough oxygen to supply the body. Without enough oxygen the body can not function normally and a person is said to be anemic (Pernicious Anemia, n. d. ). There are many different signs and symptoms of pernicious anemia. As mentioned before, the classic sign is the feeling of being tired and weak at all times. Other signs and symptoms can include having a bright red, smooth tongue, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, shortness of breath (Mary J. Shomon, n. d. ) There is also changes in a persons nervous system. Such changes are seen in the patients vision, taste, and smell. The patient may also have an unsteady gait, become depressed, confused, have a loss of memory and develop psychosis. Problems can even occur in the digestive system. This would include bleeding gums, mouth sores, nausea and vomiting. Gas, heartburn, change in bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea), and weight change are some other symptoms. Evan hepatomegaly can be part of the disease process. Left untreated pernicious anemia can lead to heart failure/heart attacks and strokes. The disease also puts a person at risk for stomach cancer(Pernicious Anemia, n. d. ) Prevention is possible if your anemia is due to poor dietary habits. A vegetarian or someone who has gastric bypass can improve their symptoms by eating a foods rich in vitamin B-12. Foods to include in your diet would be: *meat(especially liver), poultry, and shellfish *orange juice and milk *leafy green vegetables *rice, barley, and cereal *legumes A person can also increase vitamin B-12 intake with supplements. There are several to choose from. Vitamin B-12 can be found in daily vitamins or by themselves(Pernicious Anemia, n. d. ) There is different test that will be ordered by your physician to diagnos the condition. A complete blood count is one of those. This will determine your hematocrit and hemoglobin levels. A complete blood count will also show the amount and size of the erythrocytes. Other blood test will include test that check B-12 and folic acid deficiencies, elevated levels of homocysteine, and a decreased potassium and cholesteral level. The physician will also be looking for antibodies to intrinsic factor that will be present in the body. The reticulocytes, which are immature red blood cells, will be counted. They will be low in pernicious anemia. Another procedure, bone marrow aspiration, might be performed to see if the bone marrow is producing sufficient red blood cells, and to make sure the RBCs are healthy(Pernicious Anemia, n. d. ) You may also have to have two urine test. One test will measure the amount of methymalonic acid. Methymalonic acid is high in pernicious anemia. The other urine test is called a Schilling test. The Schilling test will determine if the body is absorbing vitamin B-12 normally. To perform this test you must first take an oral dose of B-12 that has radioactive markers, then hours later receive an injection of B-12 without the radioactive markers. Urine samples will be collected for the next 24 hours. If results are abnormal, there are three more stages of the Schilling test that you have to complete to determine the reason why you can not absorb B-12(Schilling Test, n. d. Once diagnosed by a physicain and it is determined that you have pernicious anemia, there is treatment available. The two most common options are vitamin supplements and injections. B-12 also comes in a gel and nasal spray form. Europeans have been researching a nasal spray form of hydryocobalamin and this research is showing promising results(Shomon, n. d. ). After initial testing and treatment you will be required to see your doctor on a regular basis. Routine visits will make sure that treatment is working, B-12 levels are normal in the body, and to monitor effects caused by anemia. Check to see if nerve damage is getting better/worse, and watching for stomach cancer. ) Pernicious anemia is a devasting condition that will cause damage to all parts of the body, may lead to cancer, and eventually cause death if left untreated. But is easily diagnosed through blood and urine testing. It is easily treated with a diet high in vitamin B-12 and supplemental B-12. The symptoms usually start to improve within days and diminish over time. Some problems do have a life long effect, but most are treatable and reversible with proper treatment.

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